CORROSION IN THE MOTOR‐CAR: 4. Bearings and Exhaust Valves
Bearings and exhaust valves are components of vital importance to the engine of a motor‐car. They operate under conditions which favour corrosive attack, and the problem of mitigating this attack is made more difficult, in the case of the bearings, by the tendency towards increasing engine power and, in the case of the exhaust valves, by the use of petrols containing tetra‐ethyl lead. Previous articles by Mr. Michalewicz in this series have appeared in CORROSION TECHNOLOGY in the issues of August 1954 (‘Corrosive Wear of Piston Rings and Cylinders’), November 1954 (‘The Cooling System’) and March 1955 (‘The Bodywork’).
Michalewicz, Z.S. (1955), "CORROSION IN THE MOTOR‐CAR: 4. Bearings and Exhaust Valves", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 2 No. 11, pp. 334-338.
Copyright © 1955, MCB UP Limited