Valuation of Executive Stock Options
The executive stock option (ESO) valuation model developed in this research amends the popular exchange traded option pricing models such as Black and Scholes (1973), Whaley (1981), and Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein (1979) to include economic features of the ESO contract that previously have been ignored. One of these features is the non‐transferability of the ESO, which creates a situation where the ESO might be exercised when an otherwise identical exchange traded option would not. Another feature is the hybrid nature of the ESO; it is not solely either an American option or a European option. The results of the comparative statics indicate that the impact of the non‐transferability of the ESO value is significant, whereas the hybrid feature of the ESO results in values that are very similar to American option values. The economic implication is that if an American or European option model is used to value ESO's, the probability is very high that a wealth transfer between management and shareholders will occur.
Bey, R.P. and Johnson, L.J. (1995), "Valuation of Executive Stock Options", Managerial Finance, Vol. 21 No. 10, pp. 9-25.
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