Do‐it‐Yourself or hire it out?
One of the most controversial issues in the distribution world is whether companies should contract out the various elements of the distribution function or whether they should operate them on an ‘in‐house’ basis. Dan Pettitt, with long and substantial experience in the transport world, has seen it from both sides; as Chairman of SPD — an own account performer — and currently of the NFC, a professional distribution service company provider. Thus he describes himself as ‘poacher turned gamekeeper’; whilst being receptive to the ‘own account’ argument, he believes that the case for purchasing a total service from a separately controlled distribution service company, especially a professionally‐based transport company, grows stronger daily.
Pettitt, D. (1974), "Do‐it‐Yourself or hire it out?", Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 42-44.
Copyright © 1974, MCB UP Limited