Key Theological Positions Underlying the Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the US Economy
When the Catholic bishops of the United States prepared the first draft of their pastoral letter on the US economy, they deliberately kept its contents confidential until after the presidential election of that year. They did not want it to intrude upon the campaign then under way. It was not made public until 11 November, 1984. The Lay Commission, chaired by William E. Simon, issued its document, Toward the Future: Catholic Social Thought and the US Economy, before the bishops' first draft but also after the presidential election. It was not a response to the bishops' then unseen document but an advisory counter‐proposal from a different perspective. The Lay Commission presumed that the two documents would be different certainly in the area of policy recommendations and in the evaluation of the performance of the American economy; they probably anticipated differences also in the understanding of Christian and Catholic tradition and principles. They were not wrong.
Skok, C.D. (1987), "Key Theological Positions Underlying the Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the US Economy", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 3-15.
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