Employment Security and World Peace: An Autobiographical Splinter
The celebration of our high school graduation was an enjoyable, almost sentimental affair. Being able to razz one's teachers and show off by drinking in public contributed to the good feeling of the evening. A canvass of night clubs—more from the outside than the inside, but well into the small hours—ended that memorable day in June 1932 for the newest crop of graduates of the number one public high school of Vienna, Austria. Next came the summer vacation; then, at long last, (the junior and senior years of high‐school routine with its grade‐school discipline had seemed to drag on endlessly), the much vaunted “academic freedom” of university life.
Rohrlich, G.F. (1983), "Employment Security and World Peace: An Autobiographical Splinter", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 10 No. 6/7, pp. 9-11. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb013945
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