Some Socio‐Economic Perspectives on the Quality of Working Life
While concern for the quality of working life (QWL) is by no means new it is nevertheless true that there has been an enormous amount of research, experimentation and commentary in this field in recent years. A particular confluence of forces—ever‐accelerating technological change; rapidly‐shifting attitudes, life‐styles, and social institutions; and the paradox in many countries of a customary prosperity threatened by doubts as to future economic performance—is at least in part responsible for the burgeoning interest in the field. But important also is its multidisciplinary nature, which has afforded to social scientists of varied orientations the opportunity to participate in a new intellectual growth industry.
Newton, K. (1978), "Some Socio‐Economic Perspectives on the Quality of Working Life", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 5 No. 3, pp. 179-187.
Copyright © 1978, MCB UP Limited