The Library World Volume 18 Issue 3
The Library Association Conference has once more been held, and in spite of the smaller attendance and the omission of most of the usual social and local functions, there was a spirit of camaraderie and interest displayed that has made the meeting a decided success. It met at a time of such national strain that we may surely hope will never recur during the experience of the present generation, a time when all professions, occupations and business enterprises seem of small interest in comparison to the great national effort being made to defend the positions of ourselves and our Allies, against the overbearing aggression of a military despotism, so organised and trained, so powerful and unscrupulous as to call for the highest self‐devotion and sacrifice of all and every member of our immense Empire. It is therefore not a matter of surprise that although the number of members present was somewhat smaller than usual the tone of the Conference was kept at a high level, and attention was mainly focussed upon business matters.
(1915), "The Library World Volume 18 Issue 3", New Library World, Vol. 18 No. 3, pp. 64-96.
Copyright © 1915, MCB UP Limited