Personal Investment & Financing Decisions
Personal Finance has, in our view, been an area of relative neglect in academic circles in the UK compared, say, to the USA. This statement is based on a perusal of course listings and contents from both sides of the Atlantic. That, of course, is not to say that the subject matter is completely ignored as other courses in economics, financial management and accounting often cover topics which would be found in a fully fledged course on personal finance. Additionally, academics and others do write and publish in the UK (witness this current volume) on some of the subject matter, and the newspapers and periodicals offer a wide variety of advice to would‐be savers and borrowers. What is lacking, perhaps, is a systematic framework into which the various activities can be placed.
Colin Dodds, J. (1983), "Personal Investment & Financing Decisions", Managerial Finance, Vol. 9 No. 3/4, pp. 1-2.
Copyright © 1983, MCB UP Limited