J. P. Lamb: the Last of the Patriarchs
IN HIS OBITUARY APPRECIATION of R. W. Lynn, for some years city librarian of Southampton, Eric Clough said that Lynn had ‘none of the patriarchal aura that so many of his contemporaries carried’. Some of Mr Clough's readers knew only too well what he meant by ‘patriarchal aura’. One of the hallmarks of a patriarchal chief was that he never let it be forgotten that it was he who was in command. From time to time he might be amiable, sympathetic and even complimentary, but he looked upon the library he ruled as his library and was inclined to regard any dereliction of duty as a personal affront.
Ollé, J.G. (1974), "J. P. Lamb: the Last of the Patriarchs", Library Review, Vol. 24 No. 7, pp. 295-300. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb012607
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