The Art of Getting Away With It
BY “it” I mean, of course, the swag. By the swag I do not mean what the late Lord Birkenhead (now, no doubt, with God) called glittering prizes. You remember the delightful characters in Jeremiah whose hearts were full of cunning and wickedness like a big cage full of birds and who waxed fat and shone. I have no means of studying such persons. I am a member of the lower middle section of the middle classes—that is to say, the so‐called professional classes. I have no access to the shining ones except by the area entrance. So I cannot tell you by what methods they accumulate the dough.
BRIDIE, J. (1946), "The Art of Getting Away With It", Library Review, Vol. 10 No. 6, pp. 122-126.
Copyright © 1946, MCB UP Limited