The Drama in the Countryside
DURING the past few years interest in the drama has been quite as strong in the countryside as in the towns. This activity in the years following the war is a remarkable feature, and can hardly be attributed to economic prosperity. It is, however, well‐known that there are some movements that do not always synchronise with material prosperity, and it appears that the drama can be included with these. Another factor bearing on the revival in this vital form of art is the increased interest taken in adult education. Courses in literature and drama are general throughout the country, and these courses have, naturally, stimulated interest in the drama as a mode of artistic expression. The fact that people are showing pleasure and aptitude in dramatic art is proof that it is deep‐rooted in the instincts of the nation, and under right guidance can be an instrument of artistic and intellectual progress.
OSBORNE, E. (1927), "The Drama in the Countryside", Library Review, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 87-91.
Copyright © 1927, MCB UP Limited