British Food Journal Volume 66 Issue 8 1964
In our March issue, we discussed briefly the reappearance of the deficiency diseases among children in parts of this country; particularly rickets and, as far as our own experience goes, mainly among the immigrant peoples. With evidence on every hand of bigger and bonnier babies, school children several pounds heavier and at least two inches taller than the average of a generation ago; stores bulging with foods of every description and the accent always on the health aspect of foods, this news may have been difficult to believe. Now, under the title “Rickets Recurs in British Children”, the May issue of the Practitioner contains a survey of the increasing incidence of rickets among children in the Glasgow area (Arneil, Gavin O., 1964, Pract. 192, 652).
(1964), "British Food Journal Volume 66 Issue 8 1964", British Food Journal, Vol. 66 No. 8, pp. 98-112.
Copyright © 1964, MCB UP Limited