The British Food Journal Volume 62 Issue 1 1960
The Conference to be held in London from 20th to 23rd September, 1960, to celebrate the centenary of the “Act for preventing the Adulteration of Articles of Food and Drink” promises to be an auspicious occasion. The celebrations are being sponsored by appropriate Government departments of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and by the various professional bodies concerned. The fullest support of the Food Manufacturers' Federation is also being given to it. The proceedings are to open with a reception given by Her Majesty's Government at Lancaster House on 20th September and during the conference, which will be held at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, meetings, lectures, an exhibition and laboratory visits will demonstrate the progress made in the past 100 years and “show the part which the food chemist plays in improving the quality of food and providing better nutrition and better health.” We trust, however, that the part played by the food chemist will not be allowed to completely overshadow what others have done towards providing a pure food supply for the people. Not all of the chemists' activities have been to this end; the chemical “sophistication” of food in fact constitutes a serious problem.
(1960), "The British Food Journal Volume 62 Issue 1 1960", British Food Journal, Vol. 62 No. 1, pp. 1-12.
Copyright © 1960, MCB UP Limited