British Food Journal Volume 55 Issue 11 1953
This issue of the BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL is the twelfth for which the present Editor is responsible. In December of last year he invited local government officers concerned in administering the food laws to send in reports of matters likely to be interesting or helpful to colleagues in other areas. The response has been excellent, and the Editor tenders his sincere thanks to those who have in this way given information which he has been able to pass on to readers of the Journal. It has not always been possible to find space for all that the Editor would have wished to publish. And in many instances no direct acknowledgment has been made through the post. It is hoped, however, that the medical officers of health, public analysts, inspectors of weights and measures and sanitary inspectors who have supplied so much useful copy will continue to do so, and will realise that their help is highly valued, even when they receive no individual letters of thanks. For everyone engaged in administering the food laws likes to be kept informed of what is happening in other areas. During the past twelve months the circulation of the BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL has risen substantially month by month—not least among manufacturers and wholesale distributors of food, who find it useful to be aware of dangers which they wish to avoid and of new developments which may result in future amendments of the law.
(1953), "British Food Journal Volume 55 Issue 11 1953", British Food Journal, Vol. 55 No. 11, pp. 105-114.
Copyright © 1953, MCB UP Limited