British Food Journal Volume 36 Issue 7 1934
The brewing industry in the Netherlands is an industry of great importance, and the brewers of lager beer in that country have established a first‐rate reputation in foreign markets throughout the world. Two kinds of lager beer are exported, one in cask, the other in bottle. It also appears from the official figures given in the Jaarstatistick for 1933 that a relatively large amount of beer is imported in casks. This seems to come mainly from Germany. There is no suggestion that this importation is part of the transit trade, and yet the quantity of the imported cask beer is considerably in excess of that which is exported. The number of litres imported each year from 1930 to 1933 are in round numbers as follows:—4 million in 1930, 4·3 million in 1931, 4 million in 1932, and 3 million in 1933. The exports of cask lager for these years are 3·8, 3·4, 2·5, 2 27 millions of litres. The nature of the beer so imported is not stated, it is returned simply as “beer,” but if the declared value is to be taken as any indication of quality, then we may say that the value of the imported cask beer is to that of the exported cask beer in the ratio of about two to three.
(1934), "British Food Journal Volume 36 Issue 7 1934", British Food Journal, Vol. 36 No. 7, pp. 61-70.
Copyright © 1934, MCB UP Limited