British Food Journal Volume 22 Issue 4 1920
During the year under consideration the work of inspectors of foods was continued on the special lines which have characterised it throughout the war. Opportunity for reviving the routine work of the branch on such matters as the administration of the Unsound Food and Foreign Meat Regulations, Sale of Food and Drugs Acts and other measures dealing with food subjects had not yet arisen, and the energies of the branch were directed chiefly to carrying on the work of supervising the conditions under which food for the Armies was being manufactured, and dealing with a large number of special questions arising out of the abnormal conditions of food supply and distribution which continued to exist during this period.
(1920), "British Food Journal Volume 22 Issue 4 1920", British Food Journal, Vol. 22 No. 4, pp. 31-40.
Copyright © 1920, MCB UP Limited