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Equal Opportunities International

ISSN: 0261-0159

Article publication date: 1 March 1989



ILO: Women's Participation in Trade Unions. This is the theme of a special issue of Women At Work namely that of the role of trade unions and the ILO in promoting the equal participation of women in economic, political and social life. It presents complementary information to that provided in the previous issue in which trade union and ILO responses, in terms of policies and programmes, to the situation of women workers were identified both nationally and internationally. This issue reflects on the actions being taken to organise women workers and to improve their participation at all levels of trade union activities and structures. A selection has been made of various initiatives by trade unions, nationally and internationally, and ILO technical projects in different regions are described and analysed. In this regard extracts from the ILO 1988 Survey on the Implementation of Convention No. 111 on Discrimination in Employment and Documentation are included. Requirements for trade union action to promote equality are reflected in the various ILO Conventions as well as in a number of ILO resolutions covering specific industrial sectors and geographical regions.


(1989), "NETWORKING", Equal Opportunities International, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 17-23.




Copyright © 1989, MCB UP Limited

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