Networking, Publications
Volume 17 Number 3 of the Arkansas Business and Economic Review contains an article by Lynn Godkin entitled “Anticipated Job Satisfaction: Attitudinal Bias Among Women”. The author queried a sample of 253 women (enrolled in courses offered by a college of business) concerning how satisfied they expected to be with various aspects of their initial jobs following graduation. It was found that married women had decidedly different feelings about particular aspects of their jobs than those expressed by unmarried women. While satisfaction with specific job factors did not move with age, it did vary within age groups. Further, it was determined that as the amount of cumulative full‐time work experience increased so did the level of expected satisfaction increase with respect to freedom in the work place and reward based on merit or productivity.
(1985), "Networking, Publications", Equal Opportunities International, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 16-20.
Copyright © 1985, MCB UP Limited