Networking, News and Events Conferences
25 July to 1 August 1982. Unioni Naisasialiitti Suomessary, The Finnish women's organisation, will be hosting the 26th Triennial Congress of the International Alliance of Women in Helsinki. The Alliance is one of the leading Non‐Governmental Organisations recognised by the United Nations and its agencies as representing women's interests, and has affiliated organisations in a large number of both developed and developing countries. The theme of the 1982 Congress is “Employment Patterns in the Eighties”. Enquiries to IAW, P.O. Box 355, Valetta, Malta or to Isari Mattila, UNIONI, Bulevard: 11 Al,00120 Helsinki, Finland.
(1981), "Networking, News and Events Conferences", Equal Opportunities International, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 21-24.
Copyright © 1981, MCB UP Limited