The Library World Volume 64 Issue 3
IN A SPARSELY‐POPULATED continent like Africa, Nigeria with a population of 40 million (the largest in the continent) offers a big potential for library service. Spectacular progress has been made in the field of primary and secondary education in recent years and more and more Nigerians are becoming library‐conscious. The thirst for knowledge is so great that each of the governments in the Federation is spending more than 20 per cent of its revenue on education alone. Even the older generation who had no opportunity of attending schools are now striving to read and write their own language in their spare time and the young ones are giving them every encouragement by giving voluntary service as teachers. Every effort is being made to wipe out illiteracy altogether and everywhere throughout the country, the story is one of success.
(1962), "The Library World Volume 64 Issue 3", New Library World, Vol. 64 No. 3, pp. 57-88.
Copyright © 1962, MCB UP Limited