The Library World Volume 54 Issue 4
LIBRARIES of late have not had the radio publicity that was agreeably frequent at an earlier time. Occasionally there are broadcasts that are useful and, we believe, effective. A good example was that given by Mr. Charles Nowell on the centenary celebrations on September 2 of the Manchester Public Libraries. He told in a familiar conversational manner of the achievements of the past and the work now being done, with what seemed to this listener to be excellent effect, his voice being, like his manner, admirable for the microphone. Another useful, well balanced broadcast was that given on October 8th on the Home Service programme by Mr. Daniel George on the National Central Library in which an outline of the part played in the library life of the country was put over with simplicity and, again, confidential familiarity. We hope the L.A. and others who can influence the matter will keep the advantages of radio still well in mind. There is also T.V. and what that may do for libraries, or reading in connection with the use of libraries.
(1952), "The Library World Volume 54 Issue 4", New Library World, Vol. 54 No. 4, pp. 65-84.
Copyright © 1952, MCB UP Limited