The Library World Volume 49 Issue 9
AFTER the most severe winter in living memory we can look at the position of libraries with some satisfaction. The almost impossible weather energized some libraries as never before and many report a circulation surpassing that of any previous winter. Many circumstances go to such a result. The failure of other types of circulating library, owing to the continuing scarcity of books, to meet demands formerly made upon them is one. The earlier closing than was the case of most places of amusement should also be borne in mind. The disappointing thing about the situation is that we are unable ourselves to supply the best fiction, for example, in editions of which we can be satisfied. We have not been able to take advantage of our opportunities.
(1947), "The Library World Volume 49 Issue 9", New Library World, Vol. 49 No. 9, pp. 137-152.
Copyright © 1947, MCB UP Limited