The Library World Volume 30 Issue 5
IPSWICH gave an interesting lead to the libraries of this country in its Book Week, which occurred last month. By a wise co‐operation between the National Book Council, the Local Booksellers and the Public Library, two book exhibitions—one of new publications in the local Y.M.C.A., and the other of book‐making processes at the Public Library—were held, and lectures at the Library by Sir Ernest Benn, representing publishers; Mr. Maurice Marston, booksellers; Messrs. G. A. Stephen and Berwick Sayers, librarians; and Mr. Michael Sadleir, authors, attracted good audiences. Posters of a most original kind “declared war” on the ignorance of the value of books in the town. The affair must have stimulated reading to some extant in Ipswich; and we hope it may find imitators elsewhere.
(1927), "The Library World Volume 30 Issue 5", New Library World, Vol. 30 No. 5, pp. 136-152.
Copyright © 1927, MCB UP Limited