Impact of Changes in Australian Wine Market on Grape Types
Grape types grown in Australia have changed as a reflection of changes in consumers' tastes. Theres have been major changes in the Australian wine market in recent decades. The proportion of fortified wines has fallen from 81 per cent to ten percent of production and the popularity of different types of wine has varied. This has led to rapid changes in the types of grapes planted. The pattern of grape type use from 1972–91 at a small, long‐established winery gives a perspective on the general market trends. This winery adapted its use of particular grape types more quickly than the national average and has now established a pattern reflecting its expertise with fortified and red wines and regional characteristics.
Battersby, G. (1994), "Impact of Changes in Australian Wine Market on Grape Types", International Journal of Wine Marketing, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 14-31.
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