Establishing Marketing Management in Wine Companies
At last it is being recognised that a proper approval to marketing management is needed in the wine industry. So far it would appear that only half‐hearted, “plug‐the‐gap” efforts have been made in this direction with the result that there has been a dearth of qualified personnel. Some confusion over the definition of marketing in the wine industry still exists — it is not about sales and advertising, and changes in strategy should not be allowed to dilute management's appreciation of marketing as a mandatory function. In order to instil the correct approach to marketing in general and wine marketing in particular, emphasis should be placed on formal training procedures, recruitment, reallocation of managerial responsibilities, and the setting of objectives.
Corkindale, D. (1991), "Establishing Marketing Management in Wine Companies", International Journal of Wine Marketing, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 4-7.
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