How vision is helping Unika take the correct welding path
I. Masaki
(Joint Unimation/Kawasaki Heavy Industries Development Team)
R.R. Gorman
(Joint Unimation/Kawasaki Heavy Industries Development Team)
D.C. Jordon
(Joint Unimation/Kawasaki Heavy Industries Development Team)
T.H. Lindbom
(vice president engineering, Unimation of Connecticut, US)
M.J. Dunne
(chief engineer, Unimation of Connecticut, US)
H. Toda
(Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kobe, Japan)
Unika is a prototype robot — the product of work by Unimation in the US and Kawasaki in Japan — which by means of vision can detect the deviation between a taught standard path and the actual welding seam. The robot system can then correct the path taken by the welding gun manipulator.
Masaki, I., Gorman, R.R., Jordon, D.C., Lindbom, T.H., Dunne, M.J. and Toda, H. (1981), "How vision is helping Unika take the correct welding path", Sensor Review, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 89-92.
Copyright © 1981, MCB UP Limited