H.M.S. WILTON‐THE FIRST TRULY NON‐MAGNETIC MINE HUNTER: A grp prototype development produced for the Ministry of Defence
H.M.S. Wilton, believed to be the world's largest plastics vessel, and the first true ship, as distinct from boats, to be built in glass‐reinforced plastics (g.r.p.), has been launched recently. She is a prototype minehunter, 153 ft long with a displacement of 450 tons, designed and built by Vosper Thornycroft, under a Ministry of Defence contract to evaluate the prospects for the use of glass‐reinforced plastics in vessels of this type. The project cost is in the range of £1.5 – 2.0 million.
(1972), "H.M.S. WILTON‐THE FIRST TRULY NON‐MAGNETIC MINE HUNTER: A grp prototype development produced for the Ministry of Defence", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 19 No. 5, pp. 26-28. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb006862
Copyright © 1972, MCB UP Limited