materials fall‐out from THE AMERICAN SPACE PROGRAMME
From the outset of the American Space Programme the industries working to meet new and stringent specifications have promised a range of equally new materials and techniques. This ‘fall‐out’ of the programme has now started to make its impact, particularly in materials. During 1965 there was a continuous string of announcements in the American technical press of discoveries and it is anticipated that most of the materials should be available in this country in 1966. It is no easy task to cover all the new developments, particularly as some of them have been anticipated and foreseen for such a long time that they have not been particularly startling when announced as industrial realities.
Wilson, C.L. (1966), "materials fall‐out from THE AMERICAN SPACE PROGRAMME", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 3-4.
Copyright © 1966, MCB UP Limited