Models of Matching of Fuzzy Sets
Develops a general framework for processes of matching fuzzy quantities. Indicates how different hierarchy levels of matching indices are constructed from a relational way of description of the matching process. Making use of max‐min and min‐max fuzzy relation equations, respectively, clarifies how the entire matching proceeds. Moreover formulates an inverse problem. The method provided here enables us to distinguish regions of the universe of discourse in which the quantities are specified, which are considered as fully supporting the given concept (completely matching observed); completely excluded with respect to this concept; and being of a borderline character. As a consequence the results of matching can have a thorough interpretation.
Di Nola, A., Pedrycz, W. and Sessa, S. (1993), "Models of Matching of Fuzzy Sets", Kybernetes, Vol. 22 No. 3, pp. 41-46.
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