HELPING EACH OTHER TO HELP THE HELPLESS:: An Essay in Self‐Organizationt Part I
This essay, published in two parts, describes coordination in the British domiciliary services for the mentally handicapped, as seen by families helped and by field workers helping. Criteria of need and judgments of effectiveness are those of patients and field workers. Bias is minimized by the experimental design since five independent professions and parents interact between seven different areas over a sample of 212 cases. Part I suggests why and how this autonomous or self‐study was made; Part II presents some findings and tells what was done about them.
REVANS, R.W. (1975), "HELPING EACH OTHER TO HELP THE HELPLESS:: An Essay in Self‐Organizationt Part I", Kybernetes, Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 149-155.
Copyright © 1975, MCB UP Limited