Some aspects of corrosion research
The industrial expansion of the post‐war period has resulted in the development of new products and processes, specialised equipment and new materials of construction. Materials science, technology and engineering, has emerged as an independent discipline during the last decade. These changes have brought up the importance of corrosion problems and the urgency to apply preventive methods. It is probably true to say at the present time that the losses due to metallic corrosion give a fair index of the industrial prosperity of a nation. A developing country like India had to face the challenge posed by corrosion, and there is now an increasing awareness of the imperative need for corrosion research and the application of the findings to meet specific situations.
Rama Char, T.L. (1969), "Some aspects of corrosion research", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 16 No. 10, pp. 16-21.
Copyright © 1969, MCB UP Limited