How women can get into management from home
The distance learning course for women moving into management which Rosemary Smith has just piloted for the Open Business School, and about which she writes here for the first time, held some surprises for her. She expected it to be taken up by unemployed women lacking qualifications, but instead found it has generated a lot of active interest from employers in both public and private sectors, and that the majority of women who applied held both graduate or higher qualifications and a job. Women into Management will be available from the Open Business School from November this year. Rosemary Smith, a graduate of the Open University and now Lecturer in Management at the Open Business School and Course Team Chair of the Women into Management course, discusses how it came into being and what it covers.
Smith, R. (1987), "How women can get into management from home", Women in Management Review, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 215-221.
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