Programmable automation of batch assembly operations
A systematic analysis of 60 product lines, all of which are assembled in relatively small batches, resulted in the selection of outdoor lighting, compressors and small motors as those most suitable for programmable automatic assembly. Preliminary concepts as to how manipulator arms and control systems, tactile/force sensors, vision systems, parts presentation equipment, fixtures, end effectors, tools and computer system hardware and software should be configured to form complete programmable assembly systems led to the selection of small motors as the best economic candidate. Reductions in equipment cost and/or programmable assembly system cycle time are necessary to increase significantly the number of batch assembly operations that are good economic candidates for automation.
Abraham, R.G. (1977), "Programmable automation of batch assembly operations", Industrial Robot, Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 119-131.
Copyright © 1977, MCB UP Limited