Extract education and work in West Germany
One of the many MSC task groups is currently deliberating on how to provide adequately for the 16–18 year old age group; it looks as though some system of ‘vocational preparation’ is to be rapidly pushed through in time to start in September 1983. There is a great deal of talk about emulating the system in use in West Germany. So what is this system and why is it superior? Mr M E Taylor, of St Anthony's College, Oxford, has researched the matter in great detail and published his findings and views in a new book entitled EDUCATION AND WORK IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY. It will be widely quoted, in the coming months, as an authoritative source. The book is now available from The Anglo‐German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, St Stephen's House, Victoria Embankment, London SW1A 2LA. The price is £9.50. The ISBN is 0 905492 36 6. It runs to 350 pages and includes a massive bibliography. (Tel: 01–930 8226). There follows now a summary prepared by the author himself.
(1982), "Extract education and work in West Germany", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 14 No. 4, pp. 130-131. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb003880
Copyright © 1982, MCB UP Limited