Feedback in social skills training
In the article ‘Approaches to Social Skills Training’ we outlined three levels at which social skills training can be conducted in terms of learning by Thinking, Doing and Feeling. We pointed out that often trainers concentrate on learning in one or two of these areas rather than mixing the approaches and integrating them in one learning process. We summarised some of the ingredients and consequences of these three approaches and presented a broad spectrum of training styles from which the social skills trainer can select. Finally we pointed out the need to distinguish between training and therapy at one end of the spectrum, and suggested how the trainer could establish a clear boundary. In this article we examine feedback in detail as one aspect of social skills training and we explore the range of choices the trainer has in this area.
FRASER, T. and PHILLIPS, K. (1980), "Feedback in social skills training", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 12 No. 5, pp. 196-202.
Copyright © 1980, MCB UP Limited