laser holography
Holography is a technique which can be used to create realistic three‐dimensional images; it has attracted a great deal of public interest recently, as a result of television publicity, exhibitions in London and other centres, and a fascination with the apparently solid images seen in empty space. The intimate link between holography and the laser, the light source necessary for making a hologram, has reinforced the interest, since lasers are regarded as one of the wonders of the present day, because of their rapidly increasing applications, and of the spectacular effects that they can produce. Many people have seen displays involving the use of laser beams for entertainment or for aesthetic purposes, in Laser Light shows, or Christmas decoration, and in the concerts of some pop groups, but such applications are not strictly related to holography, and it is with the application of the three‐dimensional holographic image that this article is concerned.
BELLAMY, J. (1979), "laser holography", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 11 No. 5, pp. 201-203.
Copyright © 1979, MCB UP Limited