training: the choices ahead part 1
It is a safe bet that 1979 will be a year of profound re‐appraisal of the British system of occupational training. One reason for this is that there are several independent exercises already under way which are due to mature in 1979. These separate projects are each examining some part of the system. At the top level comes the investigation that the MSC is carrying out into the working of the Employment and Training Act 1973 but this is only one exercise among many. The Training of Trainers Report, recently published by the TSD, raises the fundamental issue of what precisely is meant by the training function and TSD is now in course of preparation of a second report on matters related to its first. Taken together these separate investigations make up a radical reassessment such as took place in 1970–71 and resulted in the fundamental changes to the 1964 Act. The Industrial Training Act of 1964 established the ITBs as independent statutory bodies under the general aegis of the Ministry of Labour but responsible to their respective industries. The investigations of 1970–71 resulted in basic changes which were incorporated in the Employment and Training Act 1973, the main effect of which was to set up a new national system at the head of which is the Manpower Services Commission. And now we have yet another examination under way. Whether any such young and tender plant as occupational training in Britain is capable of withstanding being taken up by the roots every seven years or so and put under the microscope is open to doubt, but it is going to happen anyway and so we had better make sure that the job is done right.
WELLENS, J. (1979), "training: the choices ahead part 1", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 49-55.
Copyright © 1979, MCB UP Limited