Sandwich and co‐operative education: WORLD‐WIDE APPRAISAL in 1979
Sandwich courses in the UK are alive and well, contrary to some popular beliefs; indeed they are thriving and expanding steadily. What is also significant is that the practice is expanding in other parts of the world, notably North America, Australia, and the Far East, and there are growth experiments proceeding in Africa and mainland Europe. The international situation is such that there is now planned ‘THE FIRST WORLD CONFERENCE ON SANDWICH OR COOPERATIVE EDUCATION’, to be held in London from 21 to 24 May 1979. This Conference is being organised by The UK UNIVERSITIES' COMMITTEE ON INTEGRATED SANDWICH COURSES, and there will be contributions and delegations from North America, Australia, India, Western Europe, and developing countries, in addition to presentations on UK experience.
MOORE, J. (1978), "Sandwich and co‐operative education: WORLD‐WIDE APPRAISAL in 1979", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 10 No. 11, pp. 453-454.
Copyright © 1978, MCB UP Limited