Developing the export potential of small firms
The aim of this article is to review the work currently being conducted at Durham University Business School to help small firms to develop their export potential. It describes the evolution of an Export Planning, Organisation, Research and Training System (EXPORTS). The foundation stone of the system is a training programme developed in conjunction with the Rubber and Plastics Processing Industry Training Board. Much of the article describes the development and evolution of this course. A keynote of the article is the progress that can be made with in‐company work providing the Training Board is willing to involve Training Advisers actively in course development and implementation. This innovative programme is evaluated and the routes to further action identified and reviewed.
CANNON, T. and DAWSON, G. (1977), "Developing the export potential of small firms", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 9 No. 7, pp. 292-295.
Copyright © 1977, MCB UP Limited