At the root of our troubles
The article by Professor Peston, published by The Times Educational Supplement on April 16th is remarkable in a number of ways. Firstly, it deals so little with education, and so much with economics approached from a political and sociological point of view, that one wonders why it was printed in the weekly educational supplement of our leading newspaper. This baffling sense of wonderment is increased by reading and reflecting upon the last paragraph of the article in which the writer, having ‘discovered’ that the root of our troubles lies in the outlook and behaviour of employers, not merely private employers but some of the nationalised industries as well, proceeds to tell employers what they must do in order that our troubles shall be ended. ‘Firms should begin by reforming themselves and treating their employees a little more decently. In a nutshell the blue collar workers should start to be offered white collar conditions, and then management might begin to take a broader view of the interests of the community.’
DOBINSON, C. (1976), "At the root of our troubles", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 8 No. 6, pp. 226-227.
Copyright © 1976, MCB UP Limited