The graduates
The public, as opposed to the private, system of higher and further education in the State of California broadly operates at three levels. The levels relate to the attainments of students on graduating from high school, and in sitting certain examinations to assess their appropriate level of placement. The top tier consists of the Universities of California, such as Berkeley, Los Angeles, Davis, Santa Barbara—labelled UC's, as in for instance ‘UC Davis’. In the middle is the California State University system, with some 20 campuses, each a college with individual identity, but all integrated within the total system. For the CSU system as a whole: Enrolments in fall 1974 totalled approximately 292 000 students who were taught by a faculty of 1600.
LOWNDES, R. (1976), "The graduates", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 158-161.
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