Integrating selectioon and placement
To the well‐known saying that ‘Psychology has caused us to forget what we used to know about human nature’ we need to add the words ‘and human abilities’. Standardised tests, generally answered on paper, have for years had too great an effect in deciding what human beings should be allowed to tackle. Inadequate allowance has been made for motivation, for will power and staying power, human characteristics which do not readily lend themselves to the machinations of office‐bound psychologists. Unemployment is one of those phenomena which provides activities for statisticians, but however large the number of unemployed, and however generous a Government Training Opportunities Scheme (TOPS), at the other end of the statistics are human beings with desires and aspirations — and abilities. This fact is as plain as a pikestaff and if it is considered with the other fact that simultaneously with large numbers of unemployed there are always large (but smaller) numbers of unfilled vacancies, one wonders why the scheme of skill assessment in operation at Bellshill (Government) Training Centre had not been put into practice all over the country many decades ago.
DOBINSON, C. (1975), "Integrating selectioon and placement", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 7 No. 7, pp. 284-285.
Copyright © 1975, MCB UP Limited