Organisation behaviour A NEW SERIES: Organisation theory — where is it today?
Conventional training attempts to develop human resources by changing employees as individuals: it focuses on the technical aspects of the task and it is applied to individuals in isolation. Very often individuals are withdrawn from the working group for this form of development. However, people only very rarely work in isolation: they work with others in groups. It was a great advance when trainers took in the behavioural aspect of management with a view to improving performance in groups. But groups do not work in isolation either: they interact with other groups within the organisation. What matters to performance is the behaviour of people in organisations. To some extent organisations have a corporate life of their own and exhibit their own forms of behaviour. The natural development, then, of behavioural studies of people in working groups is the study of man at work in organisations.
TERRY, P. (1975), "Organisation behaviour A NEW SERIES: Organisation theory — where is it today?", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 52-57.
Copyright © 1975, MCB UP Limited