Training for personnel management in local government
The personnel function in local government has tended to develop more slowly than in private industry and commerce. It has, however, received a new impetus over the last year or so with the advent of the reorganisation of local government and the publication of an influential report ‘The New Local Authorities: management and structure’. This report, which is commonly known as the Bains' Report, explicitly encourages a corporate approach to management, a concept at variance with the traditional departmentalism of many local authorities. More significantly in this context, the report also devotes a whole chapter to recommendations about the development of the personnel function in the new authorities, the only function to be discussed in this depth.
LAWSON, B. and BENNETT, R. (1974), "Training for personnel management in local government", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 6 No. 4, pp. 160-162.
Copyright © 1974, MCB UP Limited