CODETERMINATION & WORKER PARTICIPATION: Programming as a means of stimulating discussion 7 training commentary
In our last two issues I have demonstrated the key‐coding technique to be used with certain types of training material. The technique is useful for group discussion sessions and is particularly appropriate to the industrial relations type of topic where attitudes and opinion are important. Key parts of the training material are identified by code letters and these selected parts are to form the main pegs on which the discussion is to hang. The trainer or programmer is really saying that, in his opinion, these marked passages are the critical parts of the material. Having key‐coded the material the trainer has a wide choice of method for running his session.
(1974), "CODETERMINATION & WORKER PARTICIPATION: Programming as a means of stimulating discussion 7 training commentary", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 52-57.
Copyright © 1974, MCB UP Limited