Harmonising professional qualifications in EEC
The entry of the UK into EEC creates a community of some 250 million people. In order that they can be welded together, freedom of movement for the professions is necessary and desirable. The Rome Treaty recognises this. There is, however, a difficulty. Member countries have yet to recognise the professional qualifications of each other's nationals. Movement or, as it is termed in the Treaty, freedom of establishment, is not possible without this recognition. Recognition depends on the professional qualifications being harmonised between several countries. For 12 years the Six have grappled with the problem, largely unsuccessfully. The entry of the UK requires a new look at the 40 draft Directives issued by the Commission for the mutual recognition of qualifications. The problems which must be faced, however, are several.
GORE, T. (1973), "Harmonising professional qualifications in EEC", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 5 No. 4, pp. 175-178. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb003305
Copyright © 1973, MCB UP Limited