Future plans and aspirations: Final article in the series INTERACTIVE SKILLS
PETER HONEY So we come to the last DIS article in the series and I must say how nice it is to produce it this way — by relaxing around a tape recorder instead of slaving away putting pen to paper! As you all know, the idea is to have a free‐ranging conversation about the future of DIS work. We shall probably find that we have some similar ideas about future developments, but there will surely be some different ones also. It is no part of our purpose to reach absolute agreement about what the future holds — indeed, it would all look surprisingly rigged if we did! The previous articles in the series have, for the most part, been concerned with describing a number of techniques such as behaviour analysing, feeding back and mixing. I thought it might be best to start our conversation in this area and gradually build up to some of the wider, and wilder, ideas we might have about how these techniques could be used to good effect. Nigel, perhaps you would like to tell us about how you see these basic techniques developing in the work of your management training team in ICL?
Honey, P., Rackham, N., Colbert, M. and Schollick, N. (1971), "Future plans and aspirations: Final article in the series INTERACTIVE SKILLS", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 3 No. 9, pp. 416-426. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb003160
Copyright © 1971, MCB UP Limited