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Review Article: Demand Management — An Obituary

Patrick Minford

Journal of Economic Studies

ISSN: 0144-3585

Article publication date: 1 March 1985



I have given this review article its provocative title, not because the book with which it is associated is bad or should be buried. On the contrary, the book, as one would expect from the authors, is an extremely intelligent and well‐argued application of available techniques to the problem of designing demand management policies for the British economy. I have so entitled my piece because the book brought home to me, through its clarity and honest fullness of detail, just how impractical, undesirable and unlikely to appeal even to the British politicians of the centre‐left to whom they are offered, these policies are. Demand management has been a blind alley, and so, indeed, has the incomes policy which is part of the formula recommended in this book; the solutions to our problems lie along other lines and modes of thought.


Minford, P. (1985), "Review Article: Demand Management — An Obituary", Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 12 No. 3, pp. 61-65.




Copyright © 1985, MCB UP Limited

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