Today's Revolution in Management Education: Venn and the Art of Lifelong Management Development
Hogarth recently identified that what was mainly missing in the evaluation of management training was a model of what was intended to be achieved in the first place. If we have no clear idea what effects are sought, the most sophisticated measurement techniques are to no avail. Foy also argued recently that more boundary crossing was needed in the 1980s between Business Schools and company training departments. If we put their two well substantiated propositions together, we have a need for a model and a programme of activities in management training which straddles both the Business School's resources and the company's learning environment. Visually, this is traditionally accomplished by a Venn diagram, and in Figure 1 this is attempted.
Wills, G. (1981), "Today's Revolution in Management Education: Venn and the Art of Lifelong Management Development", Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 2-21.
Copyright © 1981, MCB UP Limited