(2006), "Tsunamis", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 15 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Tsunami Threat to California
The Tsunami Threat to California: Findings and Recommendations on Tsunami Hazards and Risks is the result of an evaluation of tsunami readiness in California by the State of California Seismic Safety Commission's Tsunami Safety Committee.
Tsunami Recovery: Taking Stock after 12 Months
This report from the United Nations' Office of the Secretary-General Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery, Tsunami Recovery: Taking Stock after 12 Months, documents the status of the recovery efforts one year later.
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
This web site provides a one-year update of the efforts of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in areas affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The report Building Back Better: A 12-Month Update on UNICEF's Work to Rebuild Children's Lives and Restore Hope since the Tsunami and Children and the Tsunami, A Year On: A Draft UNICEF Summary of What Worked are also available for download.
Through the Eyes of Children = i_hpb2_s47
Through the Eyes of Children: Rebuilding Lives after the Tsunami is a one-year progress report from Save the Children that reports on the organization's emergency response and its strategies for the next four years to help rebuild the lives of children affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
The Oxfam Shelter Report
A Place to Stay, a Place to Live: The Oxfam Shelter Report documents the challenges and successes of Oxfam's shelter work in the first year of the organization's 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami response in India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka.
Disaster Tracking Recovery Assistance Center
In the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the Disaster Tracking Recovery Assistance Center of Thailand developed this web site, which provides details on the status of and progress made in tsunami relief activities in Thailand.
Tsunami Evaluation Coalition (TEC)
The Tsunami Evaluation Coalition (TEC) is an effort by aid agencies to improve humanitarian systems by learning from the response to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The TEC is working on five thematic evaluations: coordination; needs assessment; impact on local and national capacities; linking relief, rehabilitation, and development; and the international community's funding response, including an assessment of the role of the media. An initial report is available here.
Survivors of the Tsunami: One Year Later
Survivors of the Tsunami: One Year Later provides a snapshot of the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) assistance to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami recovery and reconstruction efforts during the past year and provides examples of how the UNDP is helping survivors of the tsunami rebuild their lives.
City of Seaside, Oregon
The City of Seaside, Oregon, has developed this tsunami education and information web site to educate community members about the city's tsunami preparedness activities and to provide educational information, community and business resources, and other useful tools.